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Total Support HelpDesk Alarms
Total Support HelpDesk is packed FULL of features. Features that no one company/organization would ever use. But we know there are some great features that can be used in such a way to provide a different solution you may not have thought about....

If you are familiar with HelpDesk, you already know that HelpDesk provides a visual alarm feature so you can see scheduled and wait settings for your inquiries and task.

I'm sure many are like me, I need a 'sound' alarm. Simply download a DeskTop Alarm Clock. Then through your HelpDesk client, you can use the 'launch pad' to configure and access directly from your client. When you need to schedule an alarm, just launch and set!

Note: All 3rd party software you download is your responsibility to review and ensure the safety before installing on your workstation.

©Resource Dynamics, Inc.